Respuesta :

The cursor is blinking in a white area on the screen. This area where text will appear is the insertion point.

A cursor is almost always an arrow that moves around the screen of a laptop or computer by the users control of it. The user could keep control of it using a mouse or a touch pad that is usually located at the bottom of the key board area.

Let's say you open up a document using a program of your choice, this could be using word or google docs. Now, when moving the mouse to control the cursor, when hovering the cursor over the blank document, you'll notice that the courser changes. Now instead of being an arrow, it turns into something called an 'I - Beam.' The I - Beam basically looks likes a capital letter eye.

When clicking on the blank document, something called a 'Insertion Point' will pop up on the document. This insertion point will start blinking on the document. This is telling you that the document is ready for you to start typing whatever you need to.

- Marlon Nunez