Respuesta :
1- Lenin planned to apply Marxism in Russia by creating an elite Socialist ruling party to lead a revolution. He argued that the economic struggle of the proletariat would only lead it to acquire a syndicalist-reformist ideology and that Marxist-revolutionary consciousness should be introduced from without. In addition, he argued that the working class, to carry out its revolutionary activity, should have a vanguard detachment to lead its struggle, the Communist Party.
2- A factor that caused the Russian March Revolution was that Russia experienced food and fuel shortages and huge casualties in World War I.
The March Revolution of 1917 in the Russian Empire marked the first stage of the Russian Revolution of 1917. It caused the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II, put an end to the Russian monarchy and led to the formation of a provisional government. This revolution was born as a reaction to the policies carried out by the Tsar, his refusal to grant liberalizing political reforms and the participation of Russia in the First World War, which had inflicted great hardships on the population.
3- The factor that caused both revolutions in Russia in 1917 was Russia's involvement in World War I.
The Russian Revolution was a decisive event of the 20th century opened by the outbreak of the European macro-conflict in 1914.
4- Both "war communism" and Tsarism relied on secret police, terror, and autocratic rule.
War communism was the economic and political system that existed in Soviet Russia after the revolution of 1917, until 1921.