
Using the Imperfect Tense to state what YOU USED TO DO, such as during their childhood. IN SPANISH

Respuesta :

Yo Jugaba mucho futbol, y me gustaba hacer carreras con mis vecinos, Fueron buenos tiempos.

I played a lot of football, and I liked racing with my neighbors. They were good times.

Jugaba- Gustaba-, Fueron- Imperfect Tense.

Played- I Liked- They were-

Yo leía todos los libros que encontraba.​

I read all the books I found.

Yo veraneaba en la playa de Alicante.​

I used to spend the summer on the beach in Alicante.

Yo sacaba muy buenas notas en el colegio.​

I got very good grades at school.

Yo jugaba al ajedrez muy bien.​

I played chess very well.

Yo tenía pocos juguetes y muchos amigos.​

I had few toys and many friends.
