When building a chair, a carpenter uses 4 pounds of wood and 6 ounces of glue. if the carpenter has 6 pounds of wood and 12 ounces of glue, how many chairs will he be able to build? (please show your work.)
a. five chairs
b. four chairs
c. three chairs
d. two chairs
e. one chair?

Respuesta :

He can build ...

... min(floor((available wood)/(wood per chair)), floor((available glue)/(glue per chair)))

... = min(floor(6/4), floor(12/6))

... = min(1, 2) = 1

The carpenter can build ...

... e. one chair


The floor( ) function returns the largest integer not greater than its argument. That is, the value with the fractional part set to zero (for positive numbers).