The ideal gas Law
PV = nRT
Where does this come from?
Robert Boyle found
PV = a constant
That is, the product of the pressure of a gas times the volume of a gas is a constant for a given sample of gas. In Boyle's experiments the Temperature (T) did not change, nor did the number of moles (n) of gas present. So Boyle found
PV = (nRT)
but did not explore the effect the temperature, or the number of moles would have on pressure and volume.
Jaques Charles found
V = (a constant) T
That is, the volume of a given sample of gas increases linearly with the temperature if the pressure (P) and the amount of the gas (n) is kept constant. So Charles found
V = (nR/P) T
Avagadro's Postulate
At the same temperature and pressure equal volumes of all gasses contain the same number of molecules.
V = n (a constant)
V = n (RT/P)
Hope that helps!!!! : )