
1. How do your personal values, attitudes, and beliefs influence your views about dating and sexual behavior.

Please answer fully.

Respuesta :

Your personal values create an idea of what is right. If you grow up being taught, or believing something, it will influence how you see and react to things. Dating is no exception. If you believe that you need to be in a relationship, you will constantly be searching for one, but if your values include independence, dating may not be a priority for you.

The human brain is a complicated organ, especially since it relies on the aid of chemicals and hormones to grasp understand and interpret it subjectively. Your upbringing, environment and to a certain degree genetic factors influence your behaviour and other views you may be predisposed to. If you were born to a Mormon family that practice polygamy, you'd be likely to accept that as the "norm" and possibly pass it along.

Statistically speaking, those who are religious are likely to be conservative and practise abstinence or don't indulge in sex before marriage. Those that are liberal tend to have a different outlook that accepts sex before marriage and so on. The world of dating follows. However, this falls more closely under preferences, this could also be dictated by the factors I stated above, with the mix of experience.

I do hope this brings you some insight.