Well, the list of three goes as follows:
Black Lives Matter movement having conflicts with other parts of America.
The LGBT community and it's backlash from America
Stereotypical "feminist" SJW's with modern America
The Black Lives Matters movement is a conflict between multiple groups if I am to be honest. It's not just blacks and whites but every other movement. The message of Black Lives Matter is not one that criticized, it is the actions of a good portion of them. Black Lives Matter movement "derails" it's intentions through violent acts and riots. This isn't to say the entire group is like this, but the portion of BLM that does indeed execute in this way is in fact the loudest portion. This ostracizes the movements message and the people that are a part of it from society, not allowing for race-to-race confrontation and relation. BLM is seen as this and therefore throws a wall between it and every other culture that is different from it. Thus, this leads to other cultures declaring themselves to matter, viewing BLM as a rejection of their race. It goes from black vs white to black vs every other culture and in turn, those other cultures against OTHER cultures. This is why BLM and it's actions have resulted in a culture war. I say this as a person of color myself.