Ramesh examined the pattern in the table. Powers of 7 Value 2,401 343 49 7 1 Ramesh says that based on the pattern . Which statement explains whether Ramesh is correct?

Respuesta :

1) You included neihter what Ramesh says nor the statements, then I can you tell some facts about the pattern.

2) The sequence is: 2401, 343, 49, 7, and 1.

3) The first term is 2401

4) The sequence is a decreasing geometric one.

5) The ratio is found dividing two consecutive terms (the second by the first, or the third by the second, or the fourth by the third, or the fifth by fourth):

1/7 = 7 / 49 = 49 / 343 = 343 / 2401.

So, the ratio is 1/7

6) The sum of that sequence is 2401 + 343 + 49 + 7 + 1 = 2801



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