Respuesta :
The correct is the self-fulfilling prophecy.
A self-fulfilling prophecy refers to a phenomenon in which a thought or conviction actually comes to fruition because of yours or someone else's belief in it. For instance, if you believe that you are going to ace your Math final, and then you turn out to actually ace it, it is due to the self-fulfilling prophecy. The self-fulfilling prophecy directly and indirectly influences our behavior, which leads to the "prophecy" to actually occur
A self-fulfilling prophecy refers to a phenomenon in which a thought or conviction actually comes to fruition because of yours or someone else's belief in it. For instance, if you believe that you are going to ace your Math final, and then you turn out to actually ace it, it is due to the self-fulfilling prophecy. The self-fulfilling prophecy directly and indirectly influences our behavior, which leads to the "prophecy" to actually occur
Behaving in a way that confirms your own or other people's expectations is referred to as self-fulfilling prophecy.