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The symptoms of nicotine withdrawal can begin within 30 minutes of your last use of tobacco and will depend on your level of addiction. Factors such as how long you used tobacco and how much tobacco you use on a daily basis will impact the severity of your symptoms.
Symptoms of nicotine withdrawal for smokers include:
intense cravings for nicotinetingling in the hands and feetsweatingnausea and abdominal crampingconstipation and gasheadachescoughingsore throatinsomniadifficulty concentratinganxietyirritabilitydepressionweight gainAnswer:
Nicotine withdrawal has many symptoms, but the most characteristic and indicator of nicotine withdrawal is the intense craving for nicotine.
The symptoms of cigarette withdrawal vary from person to person considering the level of addiction. Reactions are transient and tend to disappear within a few weeks.
Headache, irritability, difficulty concentrating, anxiety and sleep disturbance are some of the symptoms of cigarette withdrawal. This set of uncomfortable reactions, which may include increased appetite, sadness and even depression, is called nicotine withdrawal syndrome. The most common effect however which is a strong indicator of nicotine withdrawal is the intense craving for nicotine.