The first step to solving this problem would be to multiply 469.82 by 0.085.
New Equation :
469.82 × 0.085 = ?
Solution {New Equation Solved} :
469.82 × 0.085 = 39.9347
Ignore the forty seven at the end of the solution. You're only going to need 39.93. Now we'll add 469.82 and 39.93. This is the sales tax plus the regular price. Which will then bring us to our total.
New Equation :
469.82 + 39.93 = ?
Solution {New Equation Solved} :
469.82 + 39.93 = 509.75
So, 469.82 plus 8.5 sales tax is 509.75.
Hope this helps!
- Lindsey Frazier ♥