Briefly describe how and why the role of the government differs in mercantilist, capitalist, and socialist economic systems. Be sure that your response considers the level of government control as well as the overall goal of each economic system.

Respuesta :

Mercantilist economics- This type of economy revolves around a stronger country (aka a mother country) controlling the economy/trade with another country, territory, or region. The goal of this system is to purely benefit the mother country's economy.

Capitalist economics- This system if focused on allowing businesses to make decisions based on the laws of supply and demand. Along with this, citizens have a choice as to what products they purchase. The government has very little role in a truly capitalistic economy.

Socialist economy- This system revolves around a system of central planning, in which the government of the country decides what goods/products the citizens will receive. This system is supposed to make it so that all citizens have roughly the same amount of goods.