Sociologists distinguish between these three types of norms:
a. Folkways, mores, and laws.
c. Mores, laws, and cultural traits.
b. Cultural traits, folkways, and mores.
d. Laws, cultural traits, and folkways.

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The answer is B which is cultural traits, folkways, and mores. In the area of sociology, norms are social desires that guide conduct. Standards clarify why individuals do what they do in given circumstances. For instance, in the United States, it is a standard that individuals shake hands when they are formally presented.
Sociologists distinguish between these three types of norms: a. Folkways, mores, and laws. - Folkways refers to the traditional behavior of a group of people in a society. - More refers to the value that considered right or wrong by a group of people in a society - and laws is a set of rules that should be followed by that group of people if they wanted to live in taht society