║Number 7║
We have 12+6÷2+4 has to equal 13.
We have a division sign, so we need to find a way to work with it.
Since parenthesis come first, you would add 2 to 4 to make 6. After, you would need to divide 6 by the parenthesis value, which is 6; you would make 1. 12+1=13.
║Number 8║
We have 42-24÷6 has to equal 3.
We have a division sign so we need to find a way to make it work. Since
42-24=18, we could put a parenthesis around that.
║Number 9║
9+16-2×4 has to equal 17.
If you put parenthesis around 2×4, you get 8. 9+16=25 and 25-8=17.
║Number 10║
60-3+2×5 has to equal 35.
Let's see. 3+2 equal 5 and 5 times 5 equals 25. When 25 is subtracted from 60, it equals 35.
║Number 11║
18+9÷3 has to equal 21.
When 9 is divided by 3, it equals 3 and 18 plus 3 then equals 21.
18+9÷3 or 18+(9÷3); this one does not really need parenthesis since division initially comes before addition.
║Number 12║
5×2+4+3 has to equal 45.
When 2,4 and 3 are all added together, they equal 9. 9 times 5 is 45.