
Which word best completes this sentence?

Nous pouvons cuisiner ensemble ____ tu veux.

A) si
B) mais
C) car
D) parce que

Respuesta :

A) si, We can cook together 'if' you want.
Hi !!

Which word best completes this sentence ?

the correct answer is A

Nous pouvons cuisiner ensemble  si tu veux.

A - Si = if
B- Mais = but
C- Car = because
D- Parce que = because

usually "parce que" introduces a reason, a cause and you can start a sentence with the subordinate beginning with 'parce que'
Parce que nous partons demain matin, nous nous couchons tôt
Because we're leaving tomorrow morning, we are going to bed early.

CAR is more like a justification and can't be used at the begining of the phrase (can be translated by "for" or "because") It's more formal than 'parce qu' and mostly used in writtings
il ne peut pas venir car il est malade
He can't come for he's ill

hope this helps :)