Classify the structures as homologous or analogous, depending on their structure and function. The limbs of a bat and the forelimbs of a bird have similar functions but different anatomy. The wings of a bird have a skeletal structure, but the wings of bees do not. The arm of a human and the arm of a chimpanzee have similar functions and bone structures. Frogs and salamanders are both amphibians, and they also both have three-chambered hearts.

Respuesta :

The limbs of a bat and the forelimbs of a bird have similar functions but different anatomy -homologous structures
The wings of a bird have a skeletal structure, but the wings of bees do not-  analogous structures
The arm of a human and the arm of a chimpanzee have similar functions and bone structures- Homologous structures
Frogs and salamanders are both amphibians, and they also both have three-chambered hearts- Analogous structures.

Analogous structures have a different evolutionary ancestries but they have the same function; while homologous structures are the opposite; they have similar ancestries and common traits but maybe not have the same function in an organism.


Hope this helps


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