Respuesta :
The correct answer is 3. A deciduous forest biome has the same climate wherever it is located.
The deciduous forest is a temperate biome populated with very large deciduous trees. This type of biome is today mainly located in East Asia, in a large part of Europe, and in North America.
The constitution varies according to the zones, but these forests are generally made up of oaks, maples, beeches and elms.
Deciduous temperate forest covers areas where rainfall is abundant and frequent enough to allow the growth of these large trees.
This type of forest is found in the eastern United States, Canada, central Mexico, as well as in southern Chile and Argentina. It is also the original biome of much of Europe, extending into Siberia to the Krasnoyarsk Krai. It is also present in China, Manchuria, North Korea and Japan.
This forest has been heavily attacked by land clearing. All that remains are more or less extensive and scattered shreds where typically forest species are more and more affected by habitat fragmentation. These forests are also victims of the scarcity of dead wood which no longer allows many species of saproxylophagous or xylophagous invertebrates to live.
These forests, whose appearance and life change greatly with the seasons, are of great landscape importance, as well as in terms of carbon sinks and soil restoration or protection.