Water hyacinth is an aquatic weed. It’s considered a troublesome weed when it grows outside its native region. Water hyacinth can cover lakes and block sunlight from reaching underwater plants and animals. What are the likely effects of water hyacinth spreading outside its native environment?

A. proliferation of a new, invasive plant or animal species

B. displacement of native species

C. die off of plants and animals that rely on photosynthetic plants for food

D. increased oxygen levels in the water and growth of other plants and animals

Respuesta :

The answer is A, B, and C. Water hyacinth is known to be an invasive species.  Due to its abundance of leaves, dense vegetation and innumerable rootlets, and lack of a natural predator in the local environment, the plants smother other species in the environment such as aquatic grasses and phytoplankton hence reduce the biodiversity of the aquatic environment. Therefore, it also affects the fish population up the food chain.

a. proliferation of a new, invasive plant or animal species

B. displacement of native species

C. die off of plants and animals that rely on photosynthetic plants for food