
Three substances A, B, and C melt at 00C,500C and -1500C

respectively and their boiling points are 1000C , 2000

C and 100C.State the physical nature of A,B and C at room temperature

Respuesta :


That information is better presented and analyzed in a table.

This table shows you all the information and the answers:

Substance         melting point   boiling point    room temperature    conclusion
                                    °C                  °C                      °C                    (state)

A                                  0                    100                    25                    liquid

B                                  50                  200                    25                    solid
C                               -150                   10                     25                    gas


1) Substance A at 25° is above the melting point and below the boiling point, then it is liquid (just like water)

2) Substance B at 25°C is below the melting point, so it is solid.

3) Substance C at 25°C is above the boiling point, so it is gas.