The duty of the lighthouse keeper is to keep the light burning no matter what happens, so the ships will be warned of the presence of dangerous rocks. if a shipwreck should occur near the lighthouse, even though he would like to aid in the rescue of the crew and passengers, the lighthouse keeper must...

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Stay at his light

staying at his light will prevent further accidents on the sea and will guide navigators on the right way.

A lighthouse keeper is the person responsible for tending and caring for a lighthouse, particularly the light and lens in the days when oil lamps and clockwork mechanisms were used. 

 Before the days of electricity, they had to light the lamp at sunset and extinguish it at sunrise. During an 8 hour watch at night they had to climb the stairs in the tower one to three times a night to check on the light and wind the weights that operated the clock. Some lighthouses have as many as two hundred steps! Keepers earned the name "wickie" because one of their chores was to trim the burned lamp wick, so it wouldn't smoke and dirty the lens. The brass in the building had to be shined, and all the windows cleaned. Often it took a whole day to clean and polish the lens alone. It was very important to keep both the lens and the lantern room windows clean so the light would not be diminished (lessened) in any way. 


Stay at his light


It is important that the lighthouse keeper resists the urge to help in the shipwreck and instead stays at his light. This is because ships are likely to continue approaching the shore. If the lighthouse keeper abandons his post, these other ships could suffer from an accident as well due to the lack of guidance in their navigation.