Respuesta :

could be shame, the victim could feel threatened by the abuser, and it could be that the victim has been conditioned to not recognize the abuse as abuse. not sure what you mean by "gender-based."
Well in an article it said, 46% of 50% Boys, get sexually abused and don't report it until years later. In another article, it claimed that 99.9 gay men were sexually abused as children from a family member, stranger and a teacher. An article said that people don't report the abuse because they may be afraid or threatened, or convinced that no one cares if they are abused. A lot of sexually abused children and teens believe that everyone already knows but no one cares, so they tend to have the lack of confidence because they believe everyone is looking down on them or judging them in some way. Unfortunately, when other teenage children know about the abuse they tend to make fun the fact and adults who know that they can abuse a child without any problem, they also make fun and pick on that fact, which leads children committing suicide.

As for gender based. I don't understand what that means, please explain what 'gender based' means.