What are some advantages and disadvantages of working as an archaeologist?

You can answer this in list form or paragraph form, I just need some info I can organize and put together :)
Thanks in advance!

Respuesta :

Disadvantages: Has brought great disappointment in some cases in the past. Brought down peoples life work and questioning beliefs. Advantages: Dig up beautiful landscapes and burry the old and in with the new.
Archaeology, being the study of human history, can bring great advantages like increasing our knowledge about our ancestors. It can teach us about the way humans used to live, which is rather interesting. The disadvantages can lead to something called "destructive process". The article titled "What are advantages and disadvantages of archaeology" says the following based on destructive process, "When excavating a site the archeologist is essentially destroying it. Sure, large structural remains such as foundations are often left intact, but generally when a site has been excavated, it’s gone forever."

I'm sorry that my response is a bit too long, but I hope I helped.