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His book showed middle class Americans what it was like to live in a slum dwelling through descriptions and pictures of tenement life. It showed the poor conditions the working class lived in. 


The essay "How the Other Half Lives" attempted to show social inequality in New York City in the year 1890.


Between the years of 1865 and 1918, the United States began to establish itself as one of the greatest political, economic and military powers in the world. Cities became the economic centers of the country, industries overcame agriculture and livestock raising, drastically increasing rural migration.

In 1874, Riis got his first job as a police reporter on the New York Sun, after three years of experience in 1877, he moved to the New York Tribune. In 1874, Riis got his first job as a police reporter on the New York Sun, after three years of experience in 1877, he moved to the New York Tribune.

From his experiences and also work on the streets of New York, came the essay "how the other half lives", a photographic series based on descriptions, photographs and statistics. He condemns the housing system of tenements, and that most people on the verge of misery, was the cause of neglect and greed of the richest people.

Jacob hoped that the essay would touch the hearts of the people, so as to motivate them to eradicate the problems surrounding them.

Riis's initiative revolutionized photojournalism, in the sense of forming public opinion on issues not set out in US newspapers. Although Riis's essay was in print, a few years later in 1904, photographs were definitely used in the newspapers as an illustration and complement to the news.