
51) A famous, magnificent temple in Rome built to worship the Roman Gods. 52) A carving in which the image is incised below the surface of a stone or other material 53) The name of the plant whose leaves were used on the top of Corinthian columns 54) The privileged class of ancient Roman citizens 55) An early time period of Greek art 56) Poor houses of the later Roman era that were built in long blocks and covered by one roof 57) The most famous of all Greek temples locatedon the Acropolis 58) The poor class of ancient Roman citizens 59) He commissioned the building of the most famous Greek temple in 447 BCE 60) Wax portrait masks

A. Imagines B. Plebians C. Acanthus D. Pantheon E. Parthenon F. Pericles G. Intaglio H. Patricians I. Archaic J. Insulce











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51. The Pantheon is a temple built as per the orders of Marcus Agrippa during the reign of Augustus. It is dedicated to all of the Roman Gods. The original Pantheon was burnt and destroyed but Emperor Hadrian decided to rebuild the magnificence of the Pantheon in honor of Agrippa and Augustus. 

52 Intaglio is the art of producing images by incising or engraving into the surface of a material. Ink will be rubbed or poured and the engraved areas hold the ink, creating an image or pattern. Intaglio works are commonly done on precious gemstones, ceramics, stones, or other materials. 

53. The acanthus is an ornamental plant commonly used for decoration. During the Greek era, the acanthus leaf design was incorporated into the Corinthian columns. The earliest Corinthian columns that used this designs were the columns found in the Temple of Apollo at Bassae. 

54. The Patricians were considered to be the privileged citizens in ancient Rome. They were the leading families and were considered as aristocrats in Rome. The Patrician title has become an honorary title during the Byzantine era, even after the fall of the Roman Empire. 

55. The Archaic Greek period is considered to be one of the earliest periods in Greek art. The Archaic designs replaced the old Geometric style with artworks that were more "natural". From geometric patters, Greek artists started to focus on painting and sculpting the human body. 

56. Many poor Romans lived on apartments with only one roof called the Insulae. The insulae are commonly found in areas where land prices were high and population was densest. The insulae served as practical houses for Romans, often reaching 5 stories high. They are made using cheap wood and other housing materials, thus the houses often collapsed or burned. 

57. The Parthenon was a temple located on the Athenian Acropolis. It was made in honor of the patron God of Athens, Athena, the god of wisdom. The architects Ictinus and Callicrates are credited for the creation of the Parthenon. 

58. The Plebeians were the general citizens of ancient Rome. They were poor and were not allowed to participate in the Senate nor hold an office in the government. Plebeians were also banned from marrying the rich Patricians. 

59. Pericles is known as the person who ordered the creation of the Athenian Acropolis. He wanted to create something that would reflect the glory of Athens, as well as give thanks to the gods and goddesses. For this grand project, he hired several famous architects and sculptors such as Ictinus, Callicrates , and Phidias.

60. The imagines were wax portraits or masks often used by the Romans to show their ancestry. These imagines masks resemble the deceased relatives of Patrians and are worn by actors as the deceased are being brought to their tombs. 

51. The Pantheon, 52. Intaglio, 53. The acanthus, 54. The Patricians, 55. The Archaic, 56. Insulae, 57. The Parthenon, 58. The Plebeians, 59. Pericles and 60. The imagines.

What is Pericles  and Archaic?

Pericles is credited with ordering the construction of the Athenian Acropolis. He sought to make something that would honour the gods and goddesses while also reflecting the glory of Athens.

The Archaic Greek period is regarded as one of the earliest in Greek art history. The Archaic form substituted the old Geometric style with more "natural" art.

Thus, the statement are matched above.

For more information about Pericles  and Archaic, click here: