Julio's goal is to type an average of 50 words per minute on his five typing exams. His scores on the first four exams were 46,44,57 and 47 words per minute. How many words per minute will he need on his fifth exam to reach his goal?
Options: 56,58,50,51

Julios goal is to type an average of 50 words per minute on his five typing exams His scores on the first four exams were 464457 and 47 words per minute How man class=

Respuesta :

Answer is 56 because on his 3rd exam he got 57 word per minute, since he got 57 he can take out 7 of those words and he would still have 50. Remember the extra 7 words we have. Then you would calculate how many more words he needs to get to fifty on his other exams which are 4,6,and 3. Add these 3 and you get 13. Remember we still have that extra 7. We pick 56 with the extra 7 it would be 63. You can take out 13 words to fill in the other exams and u would still be left with 50.
Therefor your answer is 56.