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The best place to look for living organisms in our solar system would be the moon Europa (Jupiter) and the moon Enceladus (Saturn).

Enceladus is the name of a natural satellite of Saturn. This satellite is characterized by having physical characteristics that give indications of viability for life, such as:

  • It is covered by a recent ice sheet.
  • It has plumes rich in water at the south pole.
  • It has a series of cryovolcanoes near the south pole that expel jets of water vapor and other volatile substances and solid material.
  • NASA reported that they had found evidence of the presence of a large subsurface ocean of water at the south pole about ten kilometers thick.
  • Beneath the satellite's surface exists a global ocean of liquid water, as a layer between the surface ice and the rocky core. It is probably heated by many hydrothermal vents, which arouses great interest as the conditions necessary for life exist.

On the other hand, Europa is a natural satellite of Jupiter that stands out for having physical characteristics that indicate the existence of life:

  • It has a water ice crust and a probable iron and nickel core.
  • It has a thin atmosphere made up of oxygen, among other gases.
  • Several hypotheses suggest that there is an ocean below the surface that could serve as a dwelling place for life.
  • NASA reported that it had found evidence supporting early indications of plate tectonics in the thick icy cover of Europa, the first sign of such geological activity on a world other than Earth.
  • Several scientists announced that sea salt from the subsurface ocean may be covering some geological features of Europa, suggesting that the ocean is interacting with the sea floor. This can be important in determining whether the satellite might be fit for life.

According to the above, these two satellites are the most conducive places for the life of organisms in a place other than Earth because they encompass various factors and physical and chemical manifestations that would promote life as on Earth in its beginnings.

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