Respuesta :
This is a genus of amphibians that is characterised by wide protruding eyes, prominent costal grooves, and thick arms, and diminutive limbs. Example of an organism in this genus is the mole salamander. They are also elongated, aquatic to semiaquatic, and predaceous.
Ambystoma have a lot of distinguishing characteristics.
A distinguishing characteristic of the members of the genus Ambystoma is the tail morphology.
Thus genus Ambystoma can be referred to as the classification of living organisms that has been referred to as the family of Salamanders.
This genus Ambystoma are Amphibious in nature. This means that they are are Amphibians.
They can breathe through the aid of external gills or through their gills. Their habitat can also be aquatic, terrestrial or both.
The genus Ambystoma possess distinguishing characteristics which has been passed from one generation to another and also which they have developed over time. These distinguishing traits are:
a. The presence of absence of costal grooves
b. The presence or absence of nasolabial grooves
c. The presence or absence of gills
d. Their tail morphology
e. The presence or absence limbs
f. The presence of absence of vestigial limbs ( this means tiny hind legs that are present towards the end of their tail).
The genus Ambystoma includes:
a. Family Gymnophiona
b. Family Plethodontidae
c. Family Amphiumidae
d. Family Rhyacotritonidae
e. Family Proteidae
f. Family Dicamptodontidae
g. Family Ambystomatidae
h. Family Salamandridae
I. Family Sirenidae
J. Family Cryptobranchidae