In Shakespeare's time, witches were one convenient way to explain terrible maladies and misfortunes that happened, seemingly without cause, on a daily basis. Explain how the witches in Macbeth support this idea and take the blame away from Macbeth himself.

Respuesta :

If the witches had done what they were supposed to and not told Macbeth his prophecy, he would have remained loyal to King Duncan and never would have killed the king. The witches disobeyed Hecate and told Macbeth he was to become king after Duncan, leading to the start of Macbeth’s killing spree.


The purpose of the witches scene in Macbeth is to tell the reader what are the inevitable events to happen since it is destiny.


The opening scene with the witches in Macbeth has shows the three witches and how they are foreseen what will happen to the character of Macbeth, then it is not his fault to do as he feels he has to, it is the fault of the destiny, it was already written for him to become a king and it was written to happen in that way.