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In between the paws of the Sphinx is a stela, now called the "Dream Stela", which is inscribed with a story. The 18th Dynasty story tells of the time that Thutmosis IV fell asleep under the Sphinx which was covered to the neck in sand. Thutmosis had a dream that the Sphinx spoke to him and promised that if he would free the Sphinx from the sand, Thutmosis would be destined to become king of Egypt.


The Dream Stele also called as Sphinx stele is located between the paws of the Sphinx . The king Thutmosis IV has a story of young king's bargain with the sun god which has been mentioned in the Spinx .


     The Dream Stele is in between the paws of the Spinx . The Dream stele is made up of granite and is rectangular in shape .The Dream stele is actually a story of the king Thutmosis IV which is carved on the stone of Spinx . For the king Thutmosis IV this monument was quite important as the fact was that he restored and emphasized that he was doing one of the main tasks that a king had to do, which was to maintain all the sacred monuments to the gods. The Sphinx was considered an icon of kingship merged with the solar god.

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