There are actually too many here. I'll do three and someone else can take up the other three.
Problem One
[tex] \int\ {5} \, dx + \int x^n + \int x^n^2 [/tex]
I can't get the last intragal to be x^n^2 , but I can give you the answer.
[tex] \int\ {5} \, dx = 5x \\ \\ \int{x^n} \, dx = \frac{x^(n+1)}{(n + 1)} [/tex]
Note those are the first two terms. The third term just doesn't work for me. If someone tells me how to do this in Latex, I'll try it.
Here's what the third one does. One of the guys helped me out. You should contact him (exordiumx) when this get's really complicated (and it will). He's a super mod so you can always get to him.
[tex] \int {x}^{n^{2}} \, dx = \frac{x^{n^2 + 1}}{n^2 + 1} [/tex]
n is sort of a constant. You have to remember, when you integrate, whatever you get should be differentiated back the term under the integration symbol.
Read this Read This Read this Read this.
When you submit your answer, be sure and add + C at the end. That's very important.
Problem B
The integral of 0 is ta da O + C Remember the C. Always add the C.
Problem D
[tex] \frac{1}{5} \int\ \frac{1}{x} \, dx = \frac{1}{5} ln(x) + C= \frac{1}{5} ln|x| + C [/tex]
Remember two things.
1. When you differentiate ln(x) you get 1/x in some form.
2. You cannot ever take the log of a negative number. Try it. You calculator ought to have a fit.