What name was given to Southern laws that listed the ways slaves were to be treated? A. Slave Codes B. Emancipation Proclamation C. Labor Laws D. Wilmont's Proviso

Respuesta :

The correct answer is:

A. Slave Codes.


Southern states of the United States were slave states, and every slave state had their own slave codes (which was the name given to the restrictions and rules that applied to slaves), while Northern states were free states and therefor they didn't have any slave codes.

Under this set of codes slaves were seen as property and not as persons and the codes were used to control them and to protect slave owners. Slave Codes established harsh restrictions, slaves were not able to marry, they couldn't gather together unless a white person was there, they couldn't learn to read or write or own firearms, and they couldn't be away from their owners property unless they had permission.