Based on giveninformation, the compound is a Poly Unsaturated fatty acid.
Fatty acids are carboxylic acids with -COOH functional group and a chain of hydrocarbons.
Fatty Acids are classified as,
i) Saturated Fatty Acids:
Those Fatty Acids in which there is no double bond between the carbon chain are called as saturated fatty acids.
Lauric Acid CH₃(CH₂)₁₀COOH
Myristic Acid CH₃(CH₂)₁₂COOH
Palmitic Acid CH₃(CH₂)₁₄COOH
ii) Unsaturated Fatty Acids:
Those Fatty Acids in which contain a single double bond (mono-unsaturated) or more than one double bond (poly-unsaturated) d between the carbon atoms in a chain are called as unsaturated fatty acids.
Linoleic acid
Vaccenic acid
Palmitoleic acid
The saturated fatty acid containing 26 carbon atoms is called as Cerotic acid. While cerotic acid containing a double bond at position 3 and 9 has a IUPAC name Hexacosa-3,9-dienoic acid with following structure.