Describe what happens in a fission reaction. what is a commonly used isotope in a nuclear fission reactor? describe how a fission nuclear reactor power plant works.

Respuesta :

Answer 1
Nuclear fission splitting of the nucleus of an atom into two or more smaller nuclei. Smaller nuclei generated during nuclear fission reaction are called fission products.Nuclear fission reaction is an exothermic process. It releases enormous amount of heat.

Answer 2:
The two most common isotopes used in nuclear fission reactor are Uranium-235 and Plutonium-239. However, Uranium-235 is the preferred isotope for nuclear fission reactor

Answer 3:
Nuclear fission reactors are designed such that they can sustain chain reaction. They employed U-235 as a solid fuel, which is surrounded by water. The water acts are coolant, which helps to maintain temperature of nuclear reactor. When the reactor is in operation, U-235 breaks down into smaller atoms, During this process neutrons and heat is released. These neutrons will collide other uranium atom causing its fission. This process will continue further, thereby more neutrons and heat. 



a) Fission reaction: In this nuclear reaction a radioactive nuclei undergoes radioactive decay and forms smaller daughter nuclei and some other sub atomic particles or nuclear particles. the process leads to generation of enormous amount of energy.

b) Uranium-235 is the isotope which is generally used for nuclear fission reactor.

c) In a nuclear fission reactor :

i) The Uranium-235 isotope is processed in the form of pellets and arranged into a metal tube. This is the fuel assembly.

ii) many such fuel assemblies are used in a nuclear reactor.

iii) the fuel assembles or fuel rods so formed are immersed in water .

iv) water is used as moderator and coolant.

v) control rods are used to control the rate of production.

vi) when U-235 is bombarded with neutrons the fission reaction occur and the energy obtained is used to covert water to steam. This steam is used to move turbine which in turn generates electricity.