Hi everyone so I have a bf who keeps apologising when we get into conflict . I tell him he’s hurting me and he keeps saying sorry but he keeps repeating the same thing over and over again then saying that’s he’ll do better and never wants to leave me or give up on us . What should I do . Because it’s constant repeating and no change . I don’t know what to do . Because a part of me is like well if you loved me then why would you put urself in a position to lose me and a part of me is like well maybe he’ll change . I just am so heart broken over everything and i have sat him down every time and have communicated and told him exactly how he has hurt me , why this hurts , what I would like from him and why this shoudnt happen . He says he’s really sorry and writes a paragraph of how he’ll change and then the next day he’ll do the same thing and the next. Please help