
The two statements that follow may or may not contain a difference that is important
enough to examine further. You will need to identify the important difference, if any,
between the two statements.
While Officer P was supervising kitchen duty, Inmate J burned his hand. Officer P and Inmate
J were both interviewed and their statements are provided below.
Officer P's statement
Inmate J was assigned to kitchen duty and it was his responsibility to grill hamburgers. About
an hour into the shift, Inmate F began running around the kitchen for no apparent reason.
Inmate F ran into Inmate J, causing Inmate J to burn his right hand on the grill. I handcuffed
Inmate F and called Officer Z to take him back to his living area. I arranged for Inmate J to
receive medical attention.
Inmate J'ss statement:
I had been grilling burgers for about an hour when I heard a loud noise and saw that Inmate
F had dropped a large metal bowl full of potato salad. As I turned to look, my left hand nearly
brushed the grill, but then I went back to work. A few seconds later, Inmate F yelled and
began running around the kitchen, waving his arms in the air. I tried to stay out of the way.
but Inmate F ran into me, causing me to burn my right hand when it landed on the grill.
Officer P handcuffed Inmate F, Officer Z took Inmate F back to his living area and Officer P
sent me to the nurse.
Based ONLY on the information provided above, what difference, if any, between the two
statements may be important enough to examine further?
A. There was no difference that requires further examination.
B. which hand Inmate J burned
C. what caused Inmate J to burn his hand
D. when Inmate J burned his hand