ECONOMIC ASPECTS • The Congo followed a capitalistic model • Initation haited and government debts were kept low • Congo's natural resources attracted foreign investments Mobuto but a steel mill in Leopoldville a dam and a long-distance powerline from Inga to Katanga Mobuto then nationalised the country's copper mining industry He introduced Zaireanization-replacing skilled foreigners with unskilled locals He nationalised over 2000 foreign companies without compensation He appointed his own political ailies and family members in control of these companies The Congo struggled to develop its economy Businesses collapsed because of poor management, comuption and maladministration Comption became fe . Zaire became a kleptocracy . Gap between rich and poor widened The country's economy collapsed - Mobuto implementedomson of foreign owners . Few foreigners returned and Zaire became dependent on for and investments . Any other relevant response Candidates should be up t argument with a selevant conclusion