
Assume now that you're a lifeguard. You're high in your chair reading Love's Enduring Sentimental Saga. Some punks are wrestling around in the sand below you. One of them slams into your chair, causing your book to fly out of your hands and hit a swimmer on the head. The swimmer is knocked out and starts to sink. You get up to jump in, fearing the worst, but just then you realize that the swimmer is your evil roommate from college, the one who made fun of you for reading sappy books. You sit back down. Later you're charged with Manslaughter under the laws of Utopia (i.e., the MPC). Which conclusion and reasoning are correct?
A. Guilty—your lifeguard contract imposes a duty to rescue
B. Guilty—throwing your book was the antecedent but cause of the victim's death
C. Not guilty—your act in throwing the book was involuntary
D. Not guilty—your failure to rescue the victim doesn't meet Utopia's definition of "recklessly" causing the victim's death
E. c and d but not a or b.