
Answer based on scenario using APA references and in-text citation James Quinn, 22 years old, was found outside his car lying on the ground against a tree.
EMS reports he was not wearing a seat belt, and there was no airbag deployment as it was an old car. EMS reports he is alert, disoriented, and able to maintain his airway.
He is boarded and collared, and a 18-gauge bore IV in his left AC (antecubital space). His oxygen saturation is 99% with a nonrebreather mask at 15 liters.
Vital signs include sinus tachycardia at 122, and blood pressure is 130/palp. James's right lower leg is deformed but there is no blood noted.
He does smell of ETOH. The estimated time to arrival (ETA) is 3 minutes to the ED. Upon arrival in the ED, James's airway is patent and he can speak his name.
However, he has paradoxical movements of his left chest wall and a visibly deformed left leg.
His breath smells of alcohol, and he is becoming increasingly confused and belligerent.
What are the priorities in his care ?