The day after finding out she did not get her promotion, Sarah approached Ed and Karen.

"Hey guys, I acted really badly yesterday, and I’m sorry," she said. "You were trying to tell me about the bonus right after I got some bad news, and I totally misread the situation. I thought you were trying to rub it in, when you couldn’t even have known what was happening. I know we aren’t really close, but I felt that I really did wrong by you and want to make it up to you. I’m just so embarrassed by how I acted."

Karen replied, "Sarah, forget about it. We heard this morning what happened, and if we’d known, we wouldn’t have even approached you. And don’t be embarrassed. Anyone would have reacted the way you did."

Ed added, "Yeah, and I guess the good thing about all of this is that, for once, we’re not all complaining about each other."

Select the true statement about emotional signposts and intensity in this scenario.

A-Sarah understood Karen and Ed's emotional signposts yesterday.

B-Karen and Ed didn't understand Sarah's emotional signposts yesterday.

C-Sarah has a higher emotional intensity today than she had yesterday.

D-Karen and Ed's emotional intensity is higher today than it was yesterday.