Preschools often use role-playing to increase children's understanding of different professions and their ability to express themselves. The dramatic center was set up like a doctor's office, with pretend medical tools, chairs, and a bed for the patients. During a dramatic center activity, a preschooler is playing the role of a doctor, while other children are playing the roles of patients or nurses. When J plays the doctor, he greets the patient, "H-h-hello, I'm D-d-doctor Sam. H-how can I h-help you today?" Although the child stuttered, he continued to participate in the role-play, demonstrating both determination and resilience. The child J then performed a pretend medical examination on the patient, using the pretend medical tools. The child J said, "I'm g-going to check your h-heartbeat now." The child-doctor then diagnosed the patient and recommended treatment, "You h-have a c-cold. You n-need to r-rest and drink lots of w-water." Toward the end of the role-play, the child-doctor told the patient, "D-don't worry, you'll f-feel better s-soon." Based on your knowledge of the children involved, state the probable cause. with most recent citation references