Read and understand the sample scenarios below and choose the correct answer/s to the given question.
Tammy is a 16 year old girl who was neglected as a child. Her parents often verbally abused her and she never received the love and support
she really needed. Tammy is now reflecting on her childhood and how this neglect has negatively shaped the way she interacts with people.
What are some possible effects?
Tammy has learned to do things on her own in most situations. She rarely asks her parents or anyone for help because she believes it will amount to
Tammy has issues trusting people and letting new people into her life, even those with good will.
Tammy feels isolated and alone in this world. She is scared to reach out to people because she is afraid of getting hurt in the process.
Tammy is a people pleaser to her parents. She is constantly working hard and trying to be "helpful" because she seeks their approval, even though she
knows she'll never obtain it.