Perdue Owl is a free, online resource that contains up to date information on style
guides, including MLA and APA. MLA style guide is for English and provides
guidelines on how to add in-text citations and how to incorporate direct quotes into
an essay. Note that the quote in this example is taken from page 3 of an article by
Freiser, and the year of publication is 2021. Be sure to select the correct choice
based on MLA formatting (and not APA) since MLA uses page number and APA uses
year of publication.
Choose the example below that reflects the correct method of incorporating a quote
based on MLA; :
According to Freiser, "one effective method of succeeding in school is to take
notes in class" (3).
According to Freiser, one effective method of succeeding in school is to take
notes in class (3).
According to Freiser one effective method of succeeding in school is to take
notes in class ("Student Success in the Modern Age" 3).
According to Freiser, one effective method of succeeding in school is to take
notes in class (Freisier 2021).