7. Which of these statements is true about political parties
A. A political party exists solely to gain power in government.
B. All candidates within a party share the same values and ideas.
C. Each political party relies on many citizen volunteers during elections.
D. Those who give large sums of money to a party will always be rewarded with Jobs.
8. What event led to the dominance of two parties in the American political system?
A. American Revolution
B. Civil War
C. Great Depression
D. World W
9. Which of the systems described below is most likely to produce a government that is shaped
by the widest
variety of viewpoints and ideologies?
A. a system in which many parties with the same religious Ideology are allowed to run
B. a system in which one party always wins elections with nearly 100% of the vote
C. a system in which the parties within the coalition government change after each election
D. a system in which two parties trade power based on election results
10. Which of these would be a major barrier to the success of a candidate running as a member of
the Reform Party in the United States?
A. Other third-party candidates are likely to be running as well.
B. Proportional representation exists in some areas.
C. Third-parties rarely qualify for public financing.
D. Votes for this candidate may negatively impact a mr candidate.