After the surgical removal of gallbladder, a person must be especially careful
intake of
A. starch
B. protein
What organ is responsible for the production of bile?
A. Liver
B. Bile
C. sugar
C. Pancreas
Which of the following describes peristalsis?
A. the process of fat emulsification in the small intestine
B. the voluntary control of the gastric sphincter to regulate the defecation
C. the wave of muscular contraction that moves food down to the esophagus
D. the involuntary control of the gastric sphincter to prevent regurgitation of
For what mechanical digestive function are the molar teeth designed?
A. tearing, crushing
B. shearing, grinding
Choking comes as the result of which of the following?
A. air passing through the larynx
B. food stalled in the pharynx
lacerating, crushin.
D. cutting, shredding
C. food going d
D. water evaporating i
To maintain homeostasis, the chemical decomposition of food to produce ene
A. waste removal
nervous impulse
C. muscle contraction
D. water intal
In man, where do most of the chemical digestion and absorption occur?
A. large intestine
B. mouth
Where is the bile stored and concentrated?
A. gallbladder
B. liver
C. stomach
C. Stomach
The process of moving digested food through the villi into the bloodstream is
A. Absorption
B. digestion
C. excretion