A. Choose from the word pool to answer the following questions below.
Check the author
Introductory paragraph
Statistical Evidence
Testimonial Evidence
Factual Information
Read Beyond Truth
Analogical Evidence
1. . It is a subject that people discuss or argue about.
2. Something that has been proven by facts or sincerity.
3. Headlines can be outrageous in an effort to get clicks, so you should focus on the whole
story. You have to read and look for details such as statistics, date, name, etc
4. It is how appropriate something is to what is being said at a given time.
5. Views formed about something, not necessarily based on knowledge. It is dominated
6. True statement about something that can be proven to be true.
7. Available body of facts or information indicating whether a belief or proposition is true or
8. Use of celebrities is the core of this type of evidence. However, experts and authorities can
also be used to collect testimonial evidence.
9. Known as the strongest type of evidence. It comes in a form of number, percentage, or
surveyed type data.
10. "If we are going to ban firearms, we should also ban cars because they cause many more
deaths than firearms do " is an example of.
11. The idea we are convinced to believe,
12. It may be supported with more than one premise.
13. Support or reason showing that the conclusion is true.
14. The first paragraph of your essay should outline the hook as the first sentence that serves
to capture reader's attention and help them decide if they want to continue reading your text.
15. Do a quick search on the author to find out if they are real and credible.