4 ACTIVITY 1: DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS Study the image below and answer questions that follow: 2023 South African National Shutdown CHORKANA RAMAN IS NOAM Source: www.news24.com A: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Name the public holiday observed on the 21 March? (1x1) (1) 1.2 Define the term "Human rights violation" (1x2) (2) 1.3 Mention any TWO laws that protect citizens against human rights violations. (2x1) (2) 1.4 Identify the human right that was violated during the Sharpeville massacre/protest (1x2)(2) 1.5 Explain the purpose of the public holiday mentioned in 1.1 1.6 Discuss the purpose of the following campaigns: (1x1) (1) O Sharpeville massacre (21th March 1960) (1x2)(2) ° National Shut down Protests on load shedding (20th March 2023) (1x2)(2) 1.7 Analyse the impact of load shedding that forced citizens of South Africa to protest on the 20th March 2023. (2x4)(8) SUBTOTAL: [20] NORTHWEST PROVINCE LIFE ORIENTATION GRADE 12 PROJECT 2024