
You are the security guard in a High-Rise Apartment building. The building is called Harmony Towers the address is 1776 Howe Street, Toronto ON. The name of the property owners are Mesa Holdings and Management Ltd. Their legal address is 1947 Bay Street Suite 1945 Toronto ON. M3B–3L1. Your site orders instruct that you will do a floor by floor patrol of all 15 floors at least every 2 hours. There is an underground Parkade that must be checked at least three times on your shift. The first check must be done within an hour of starting your shift and the last one during the last hour and half of your shift. When you do the other one is your choice. Your shift starts at 16:00 hours and ends at 24:00 hours. The first half of your shift is routine but on your second patrol of the Parkade you discover a late model Cadillac in stall # 67 with the drivers side front window broken out. You note a tire iron laying on the front floor boards and a gaping hole where the radio or stereo would have been. You have an emergency call list in the desk drawer in your office that has the names and apartment numbers as well as telephone numbers for each tenant that has a numbered stall. Checking your list you discover that this stall is registered to a Mr. Charles Tuttle in apartment #906. Upon contacting him he comes down and informs you that the stereo was a $1700.00 Bose system that he had just purchased the day before and still had the receipt for with the model and serial number for the system on it. Now from this point forward you are expected to add additional details to this scenario from your minds eye. With the information in this scenario and the additional information you will fabricate you are expected to submit an incident report of at least 650 but no more than 1000 words. This should take up almost 2 pages. Remember to cover all your interrogatives and stick to factual detail in your report. Start with the time you discovered the incident and what happened after that.