Question 39 — Option H – Greece: The Greek world 500–440 BC (25 marks)
‘Next the Athenians assessed the various contributions to be made for the war against Persia, and decided which states should furnish money and which states should send ships – the object being to compensate for their losses by ravaging the territory of the King of Persia.’
Thucydides, History of the Peloponnesian War I.96
With reference to the quotation, assess the extent to which the Delian League fulfilled its aims.
Specifications for the extended response:
The expected length of this extended response is a maximum of 1200 words. In this response, you need to include a range of primary and secondary sources, reasoned judgement or argument regarding the question, as well as accurate historical information and terminology. It must also follow typical historical writing conventions (introduction, body paragraphs, conclusion) and include a bibliography that is correctly formatted.
all i need what the quotation from thucydides means and what i should talk about in my paragraphs. ancient history is my weakest subject please save me