You are to enter up the necessary accounts for the month of May from the following details and then balance off the accounts and extract a trial balance as at 31 May 2019
May 1 Started firm with capital in cash of $250
May 2 Bought goods on credit from the following persons: D Ellis, $54; C. Mendez $87; K.
Gibson $24; D. Booth $76; L. Lowe $ 64
May 4 Sold goods on credit to: C. Bailey $43; B. Hughes $62; H. Spencer $176
May 6 Paid rent by cash $12
May 9 Bailey paid us his account by cheque $43
May 10 H. Spencer paid us by $150 by cheque
May 12 We paid the following by cheque: K. Gibson $24; D. Ellis $54
May 15 Paid carriage by cash $23
May 18 Bought goods on credit from C. Mendez $43; D. Booth $110
May 21 Sold goods on credit to B. Hughes $67 May 31 Paid rent by cheque $18