Blue Hamster Manufacturing Inc. Balance Sheet for Year Ending December 31 (Millions of Dollars) Year 2Year 1Year 2Year 1 AssetsLiabilities and equity Current assets:Current liabilities: Cash and equivalents $3,690Accounts payable$0$0 Accounts receivable1,6881,350Accruals2340 Inventories4,9503,960Notes payable1,3281,250 Total current assets$11,250$9,000Total current liabilities $1,250 Net fixed assets:Long-term debt4,6883,750 Net plant and equipment $11,000Total debt$6,250$5,000 Common equity: Common stock12,1889,750 Retained earnings 5,250 Total common equity$18,750$15,000 Total assets$25,000$20,000Total liabilities and equity$25,000$20,000 Given the information in the preceding balance sheet—and assuming that Blue Hamster Manufacturing Inc. has 50 million shares of common stock outstanding—read each of the following statements, then identify the selection that best interprets the information conveyed by the balance sheet. Statement. Calculate the cash and equivalents and the current liabilities